Tuesday, October 12, 2010


My friend Sarah, who possess talent enough to fill a large talentless room, was kind enough to give me my first 'commission' recently. I put commission in quotes because you are apparently supposed to be paid for this sort of thing, but Sarah and I have never worked that way and see no reason to start now. She even gave me credit for the writing, so in the spirit of mutual back-patting I am posting it here so that you can:
A) Read it, then
B) Go and check out her sites:

Thank you, please.

JAM Photography NZ.

The word 'Jam" probably calls to mind the image of a sweet, fruity treat, heavy on the sugar. Or maybe you think of the magical sound that comes when skilled musicians get together to ‘jam’. Or I suppose you could think of, like, your finger getting jammed in the door. I hate when that happens.

Meet Sarah. 

Sarah loves music and photography. And that’s all. But Sarah’s clever, see, because she’s managed to jam her two obsessions into one giant-sized obsession:

JAM Photography NZ.

(Oh, actually, Sarah also loves cats. But that’s not really relevant to this bio.)

'JAM' is short for Just Add Music Photography, an amazingly pure representation of what Sarah does.
Here’s the maths for if you’re that way inclined:

Photography + Music = Sarah

Sarah takes photographs. She takes photographs of music. This is a tricky endeavour, because it’s very hard to get music to stay still and look this way. But Sarah makes it look easy. I think it has something to do with her fanatical love of what she does. But another 1000 words wouldn’t depict one fifth of the beauty you can see in just one of her pictures (there I go with the Maths again. Sorry.) So what are you doing still reading this? Look at the photos!

For musical photography jam-packed with action, intensity and talent, check out Just Add Music Photography NZ. If your band’s worth snapping, let Sarah know and she'll get the shots worth seeing.

[- bio written by Sarah's highly talented writer friend BigMrJosh, check out his blog http://www.peeweethekiwi.blogspot.com/ ]

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