Friday, May 1, 2009

A Boy and his Blog!

It looks like things might be turning around for the Nintendo Wii. I stumbled across the news on a gaming blog that A Boy and his Blob is being re-released.
I remember playing this when I was, like, 8 years old. Good times!
It was about a boy who just kind of came across this blob thing from space (they didn't really worry too much about story back then) and he found out that he could feed the blob jellybeans and it would turn into a ladder, or a hot air balloon, or a hole, or all kinds of great stuff! It made no sense, especially when you consider how you learn that a blob from space even likes jellybeans. What old school games lacked in story they made up for in sheer ridiculous difficulty! I remember it being really, really hard. They don't really do that with games nowadays, but I hope they don't make the remake too straightforward. (Remember Battletoads!?) And I'm glad to see they seem to have kept that old sense of whimsy and haven't tried to 'grow up' the series. Like, I'm thinking you don't feed him a napalm jellybean and he turns into a flamethrower or anything.
The graphics on the Wii are looking great. Throw in some story and I think you've got a winner. Of course, I don't actually have a Wii, so... Hmm.

The original Boy (and his Blob) embarking on his poorly scripted original adventure. Back when kids didn't need wimpy things like faces on their video game characters, just a litte black dot to see by.
I actually remember being fully impressed by the backgrounds in this game when it came out

The new Boy. He has a Blob too. And a face! Spoiled!!