Friday, April 9, 2010

Breaking News

I have exciting news. If we were to live in a world where it was even possible for my blog to be more awesome than it already is, that world would begin sometime in the months of July or August.

Why, I hear you plaintively cry? Because that, dear reader, is the time frame for my emigration to Japan! That's right, Japan, where awesomeness was invented along with Godzilla, Nintendo, giant Tanuki balls and swords so sharp they can cut through an idea.

As a man, I think I would rather plummet to my death than try to use my balls to break my fall. But that's why I'm not an awesome tanuki.

My wife and I both applied to the JET scholarship for the opportunity to be placed in Japan - where, we aren't sure just yet. I'll keep you posted on that though, count on it! - and given employment as assistant language teachers. Needless to say we were accepted. It's been in the works for a long time. (What I think is long and what a nation that didn't even really talk to other nations until the mid 1800s are two very different things.) It's also the culmination of a lot of planning and not a few sacrifices to get to a place where we could do this, so it's extremely gratifying that the selection committee recognised our passion and our ability. And our awesomeness.

So as I said, it is entirely possible that we are on the cusp of a new world of awesomeness beamed direct to you through the magical powers of the interweb. As always this will be tempered by my laziness, my body's way of telling me to do something more important. But here's where you can help! Your comments are like the twigs that keeps the sputtering flames of my soul from dying out completely. I'm already anticipating being quite out of my depth. But I also know that an experience like this will be hugely inspiring for my writing.

I may even learn how to use words other than awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's a few twigs Jones!
You make me laugh so much ~ What with Dad's nurse looking like Mr Bean, the undertaker looking like a very short Ricky Gervais, (He is shorter than me if that is possible plus he's British with an anitimated, funny face and sense of humour that would rival Ricky!), and Josh Jones~Funny and clever writer! Don't change Jones!
The undertaker used the word puffery! Fantastic word. I dare you to ue it! My grieving of my Dad dying is raw but lightened by lots of laughs. Dad would be glad of that!
Here's to you and Cushla's adventures! I'm looking forward to your blog!