Thursday, February 11, 2010

To Be a Gym Bunny! Part 3

Amazing news, blog watchers! As further proof that my body is a master of misdirection, I took my third fitness test today, with the weighing and the measuring and the clip on the ear and the cycling. All that. The end result, on a scale from 1-5, was a 2.

My quest for 2 is well documented (in To be a Gym Bunny! Level 2.) but to somehow achieve this magic integer without having attended the gym for 2 months strikes me as unusual. There is an outside chance that my body works differently to other humans’, and that I was doing it a great favour by studiously avoiding physical exertion, except where it involved a lady, for the last 27 years. Perhaps it threw up a 1 on my first two fitness tests to try and dissuade me.

I don’t understand you, body.

Nevertheless, having achieved that goal I need to set new goals, like a New Years Eve reveller, but less drunk and with more intent to actually follow through with them. I have decided to pass on the goal ‘maintain the 2’ (Thanks for the show of faith there, Dad!) and instead try and get my body fat percentage down from 24 to 20%. In other words, I would like to have less stored fat than a Kodiak bear approaching hibernation. I also want to increase my oxygen intake from 29 to 40.

I have until the end of March to achieve this.

One other interesting thing I learned about the gym after my 100 min (!) workout today is that it confirms that the desires for both food and a shower can occur with equally urgency, simultaneously. Disclaimer: I do not advise this; it leaves you with an apple core that won’t fit down the drain hole.


Anonymous said...

You ate an apple after the gym? Is that it?! Flip, I think I just lost body fat percentage reading that!! AN APPLE? Seriously!!

I'm seriously impressed, and slightly concerned! ;)

bigmrjosh said...

Pssh, as if!
An apple was just the item I figured I could get away with in the shower. Next time I will try a muesli bar, I think.