Sunday, November 8, 2009

To Be a Gym Bunny! Level 2

The Scott Pilgrim comics represent an idea so intricately tied to my existence that I am amazed I never thought of it first: life is like a giant, slightly retarded video game.

"Give me most of your money, Tamaki style!"

Actually it’s probably just as well Bryan Lee O’Malley thought of it before I did, because I suck as an artist and I would never have been able to make it cool like he has. Seriously, they’re wicked good comics. But I digress.

The gym is a perfect place to test what passes for a sensible belief system in my world. Today I did a fitness test. (If you want to know how diabolically I performed on my last fitness test, you have only to look at my last Gym Bunny post.) It’s a simple test: ride a stationary bike for 10 minutes at between 60-65rpm. The bike monitors your heart rate, among other things, and prints this information at 30-second intervals.
The gym instructor takes this little printout, slaughters a goat, puts the printout and the goat’s entrails into this big cauldron and from the resulting mixture scries your fitness level.
The score can range from 1-5.
5 means you are fit. You are like the Jesus Christ of fitness if you are a 5; like a Chinese acrobat, sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber and taking for sustenance only the honourably nourishing wishes of your nation.
1 means you are me. Or an amoeba. It’s important you recognise that 1 is the lowest possible value. If it were not, my first score would probably be 0.8, but the machine is programmed to show you a little more love than that, so I am 1.
Today’s test I scored... wait for it... another goddam 1.
But before you slit your wrists in sympathy, wait for the good news. Apparently, I am on the verge of 2. Do you know what this means?

Level Up!!

I want you.

I can’t wait.

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